Forensic Audit: Fraud Detection


This is a full-venue event. Training tools, Certificates and refreshments will be provided. Should you be interested in the online version or your in-house delivery? Please contact us.




This course covers modern approach and procedures that allow you to find elusive fraud that others miss and follow them through. The course focuses and features spectacular losses, corporate collapses, and significant scandals in recent times have focused the minds of company directors, owners, and regulators on corporate governance, the failure of risk management strategies, and the widespread existence of unethical business behaviour.

Managers, controllers, internal and external auditors and security managers are finding it difficult to claim it is not their job to detect fraud. Whose job is it? Deliberate overcharging by suppliers, false invoices, expenditure, bribery, kickbacks, fictitious rebates and warranty claims, conflicts of interests, false reporting, and more; questions have been asked why nobody picked up the early warning signs.

Course Content

  • Fraud and corruption in your organisation
  • The decision to investigate
  • The fraud and corruption health check
  • The ‘Heart’ of forensic auditing– finding the scams before they find you!
  • Dealing with red flags
  • Managing a complex investigation
  • Specialist (forensic) investigation techniques
  • Investigation strategy

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the red flags
  • Use fraud auditing as a tool for fraud prevention
  • Go beyond traditional Internal Control assessment to pinpoint where fraud occurs
  • Find elusive scams that others miss
  • Secure, analyse and present the evidence
  • Learn how to make your organisation resistant to all forms of unethical business

Event Details

NOTE: For our customised events all you need to do is provide us with what you want to achieve or tell us about the training requirements of the group and we will agree on a date, venue and produce a course proposal for you along with the costs. Discounts may be applicable for group booking or early birds.

Start date: 16 January 2023

End date: 27 January 2023

Start time: 09:00 GMT

End time: 17:00 GMT

Venue: Luton- London, UK

Phone: '+44 1582 414 144


Product Enquiry