Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement & Bench-marking


This is a full-venue event. Training tools, Certificates and refreshments will be provided. Should you be interested in the online version or your in-house delivery? Please contact us.



Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement & Benchmarking, was initially led by Japanese organizations; many International Companies are now levelling the field as performance measurement is seen as vital to quality process management and, therefore, Shareholder Value.

This seminar will show that Performance management is all about extracting the best from every workforce member. Not only for the benefit of the business but to ensure that every employee has the opportunity to reach their maximum potential. Performance managers are responsible for motivating, inspiring, and nurturing the development of team members at all levels.

Course Content

  • Objectives and competencies
  • The vital impact of people on the process
  • Understanding Performance Measurement and Benchmarking
  • How to instigate, prolong and measure Continuous Improvement
  • How to select the ‘vital few’ KPIs
  • How to integrate performance management with Lean and Agile operations and projects
  • Personal development plans
  • Appraisal systems
  • Communication between managers and employees
  • Mid-year reviews
  • Annual appraisals
  • Following the appraisal process

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how to improve productivity and reduce waste by ensuring that the organization and employees have aligned goals.
  • Understand the difference between an audit, performance measurement, and evaluation
  • Design a logic model
  • Develop a performance measurement and evaluation framework
  • Explain the benefits of Performance Measurement, Continuous Improvement, and Benchmarking
  • Show how these activities play a part in helping their organization perform at a higher level
  • Determine methods for generating and implementing effective performance measures
  • Use process improvement and benchmarking methods
  • Integrate performance measures with relevant Lean and Agile tools to increase productivity

Event Details

NOTE: For our customised events all you need to do is provide us with what you want to achieve or tell us about the training requirements of the group and we will agree on a date, venue and produce a course proposal for you along with the costs. Discounts may be applicable for group booking or early birds.

Start date: 23 October 2023

End date: 27 October 2023

Start time: 09:00 a.m. GMT

End time: 04:00 p.m. GMT

Venue: London, UK

Phone: '+44 1582 414 144


Product Enquiry